Daily G'raha Tia (2021)
Archive of a project I undertook in 2021, in which I drew G'raha Tia every day for the year, for certain values of every day. I was working third shift for part of the year, making the cut-off of a day difficult, and I took an extended break for Endwalker's release near the end of the year. In the end, I made a total of 350 posts rather than a full 365, but overall I'm satisfied with the results of the project.
Day 1
January 1st, 2021

The beginning!
Day 2
January 2nd, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 3
January 3rd, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 4
January 4th, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 5
January 5th, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 6
January 6th, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 7
January 7th, 2021

"Quick and dirty daily G'raha #7 because I got distracted by dollmakers and now it's real late."
Day 8
January 8th, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 9
January 9th, 2021

"Might do a cleaned up version of this for tomorrow's G'raha."
Day 10
January 10th, 2021

"Me, a fool: let's draw a final fantasy character with his final fantasy-ass outfits every day for a year, what a great idea"
Day 11
January 11th, 2021

"Arguably cheating but look, sometimes the spirit of Bob Ross moves you from beyond this mortal plane and you just gotta do a landscape with a river in it."
Day 12
January 12th, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 13
January 13th, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 14
January 14th, 2021

"That time of month just hit today so don't expect anything effort tomorrow either, tbh."
Day 15
January 15th, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 16
January 16th, 2021

"Still kind of bleh on account of uterus doing the uterus thing, so I just kind of. Did whatever."
Day 17
January 17th, 2021

"a preview for something that I will hopefully finish tomorrow!"
Day 18
January 18th, 2021

"With bonus babby Lyna. Will probably color this one for tomorrow or later, but for today I am tired of looking at it. The leg foreshortening is not right but it is beyond my skills to fix it so we will all have to deal."
Day 19
January 19th, 2021

"Someday I will figure out a way to shade I actually like but today is not actually that day. Regardless, it is finished and I am pleased with the accomplishment."
Day 21
January 21st, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 22
January 22nd, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 23
January 23rd, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 24
January 24th, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 25
January 25th, 2021

"I like the brush I used on this one, I might try to use it next time I shade something."
Day 26
January 26th, 2021

"It's snowing."
Day 27
January 27th, 2021

"I'm tired and I have no brain so quick and lazy G'raha today it is."
Day 28
January 28th, 2021

"I've been thinking too much about stonks, therefore, suit."
Day 29
January 29th, 2021

"Today was a stupid hands day despite my best efforts, so this is what we get."
Day 30
January 30th, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 31
January 31st, 2021

"One month down, 11 to go!"
Day 32
February 1st, 2021

"I like painting hair. Skin? /handwaggles"
Day 33
February 2nd, 2021

"Running into that problem again where I like a thick ink and a painted shading and the two don't necessarily gel together. :T"
Day 34
February 3rd, 2021

"A real quick one because I gotta leave for work in like. Literally 10 minutes."
Day 35
February 4th, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 36
February 5th, 2021

"This is totally how Sage healing is going to work, right?"
Day 37
February 6th, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 39
February 8th, 2021

"Love the bit in the lead-up to Seat of Sacrifice where you can ask G'raha why he's so fixated on you specifically and he looks around awkwardly while answering like he can't believe you've noticed his obvious crush and are calling him out on it"
Day 40
February 9th, 2021

"I didn't manage to do a G'raha before work yesterday so I am leaning hard into the "a day is between when I wake up and when I go to sleep principle" and drawing a quick sleepy G'raha before I also go to sleep."
Day 41
February 10th, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 42
February 11th, 2021

"Did the Valentione's/Little Lady's Day combined event today, so obviously I had to draw G'raha in the Royal Seneschal set. Probably will clean it up all nice for tomorrow's G'raha."
Day 43
February 12th, 2021

"A WIP but my hand is starting to hurt and it's "late" so the rest of it will be tomorrow's G'raha."
Day 44
February 13th, 2021

Drawn with Hilda from Fire Emblem: Three Houses for a friend's birthday.
Day 45
February 14th, 2021

"I was gonna do a full set of three but I just started this half an hour ago and it's about time for me to head to work, so. Just one."
Day 46
February 15th, 2021

"For whether or not G'raha can get away with doing memes, is being physically 24 to his advantage or will the old man shine through?"
Day 47
February 16th, 2021

"a callout post to myself."
Day 48
February 17th, 2021

[Originally posted without commentary]
Day 49
February 18th, 2021

"guess what i was doing while i drew this"
Day 50
February 19th, 2021

"I kept thinking I should do something special for day 50 but I couldn't think of anything so I was like "eh I'll play some FFXIV until I think of something" and then. never thought of anything."
Day 51
February 20th, 2021

"imperiled Exarch, must be a storyline conclusion"
Day 52
February 21st, 2021

"a less imperiled Exarch"
Day 53
February 22nd, 2021

"doodled during downtime at work"
Day 54
February 23rd, 2021

"@ squeenix pls add arenvald to trusts so i can form this ideal trust party"
Day 55
February 24th, 2021

"Found an old sketchpad and dragged it to work with me. Physical media... hard...."
Day 56
February 25th, 2021

"kind of a Sanrio vibe?"
Day 57
February 26th, 2021

"Inked and colored a previous day because I want to use it as an avatar."
Day 58
February 27th, 2021

"A comic WIP"
Day 59
February 28th, 2021

"I thought I'd have time to ink that comic I started yesterday while watching Into the Spider-verse because I, a fool, forgot that it was completely impossible to tear your eyes away from that movie for even a second, so have this nonsense instead."
Day 60
March 1st, 2021

"my cat is yelling at me."
Day 61
March 2nd, 2021

"experimenting with shading/coloring methods"
Day 62
March 3rd, 2021

"playing with a new brush"
Day 63
March 4th, 2021

"more focused brush messing around, think I'll stick with this one for sketching"
Day 64
March 5th, 2021

"Obviously I had to dress him up as the Cloud of Darkness to celebrate our clear, inasmuch as one can describe such as "dressing""
Day 65
March 6th, 2021

"Still messing around with this new pencil brush, I think I need to knock the size down a little. :|a"
Day 66
March 7th, 2021

"Had a really bad off day today so just a quick and simple sleepy G'raha."
Day 67
March 8th, 2021

"a turtleneck"
Day 68
March 9th, 2021

"Nero has never heard those words in that tone before"
Day 69
March 10th, 2021

"no comment"
Day 70
March 11th, 2021

"the red tide has struck and thus i have been rendered useless"
Day 71
March 12th, 2021

"body still uncooperative"
Day 72
March 13th, 2021

"Like most people, I am no fan of daylight savings time"
Day 73
March 14th, 2021

"it was still Pi Day when I woke up"
Day 74
March 15th, 2021

"It is. So obvious when I have the time to work from a reference vs. when I just work off the dome."
Day 75
March 16th, 2021

"New pencil tool I've been using works way better with painterly coloring than the inker tool I use, I think."
Day 76
March 17th, 2021

"G'raha would like you to know how difficult it is to act as observer when he's not allowed to follow you into the tower."
Day 77
March 18th, 2021

"no thoughts, head empty"
Day 78
March 19th, 2021

Day 79
March 20th, 2021

"used part of my stimulus on a new drawing tablet, testing it out real quick now that I've got it set up"
Day 80
March 21st, 2021

"still messing around with the new tablet"
Day 81
March 22nd, 2021

"the rare on paper doodle"
Day 82
March 23rd, 2021

"v-necks are good."
Day 83
March 24th, 2021

"popoto chip"
Day 84
March 25th, 2021

"definitely not my best work but oh well"
Day 85
March 26th, 2021

"Now that it is the weekend, new tablet is getting put through some proper paces."
Day 86
March 27th, 2021

"inking this kept me occupied while grinding Praetorium for Moogle tomestones today"
Day 87
March 28th, 2021

"curiosity killed the cat?"
Day 88
March 29th, 2021

"I've got a headache but G'rahas stop for nothing"
Day 89
March 30th, 2021

"he's a happy cat"
Day 90
March 31st, 2021

"Sometimes you just want to Draw Eye"
Day 91
April 1st, 2021

"April Fools!"
Day 92
April 2nd, 2021

"watching the clouds?"
Day 93
April 3rd, 2021

"will you take his hand?"
Day 94
April 4th, 2021

"I'm sad we're apparently not getting Hatchingtide this year, it's honestly one of my favorite events."
Day 95
April 5th, 2021

"no thoughts, head empty"
Day 96
April 6th, 2021

"featuring G'raha's canonical beautiful singing voice!"
Day 97
April 7th, 2021

"I've done blanket burrito G'raha before but whatever, it's fine."
Day 98
April 8th, 2021

"Had a coffee on my lunch break again so I stayed up too late on "body awake, mind absent" mode and couldn't think of anything to draw so I just colored a previous day's G'raha."
Day 99
April 9th, 2021

Day 100
April 10th, 2021

"hopefully I'm less tired tomorrow for the big 100" (I accidentally doubled an earlier day and threw my entire count off, whoops.)
Day 101
April 11th, 2021

"I've made it to triple digits!"
Day 102
April 12th, 2021

"patch day!"
Day 103
April 13th, 2021

"do you ever draw a character over a hundred times and THEN realize he doesn't wear his scarf how you thought he did?"
Day 104
April 14th, 2021

"caught up on patch, can focus on doing art good again"
Day 105
April 15th, 2021

"a simple Exarch"
Day 106
April 16th, 2021

"cat likes high places"
Day 107
April 17th, 2021

"just wanted to do this face"
Day 108
April 18th, 2021

"I should've gone to bed about 2 or 3 hours ago"
Day 109
April 19th, 2021

"Stuck getting my car worked on, so I did a pencil and paper one for today. First time I've done a referenceless full body in a while and boy howdy do I wish I could select bits and resize them on paper because damn that head is huge."
Day 110
April 20th, 2021

"Exarch's getting tired of SOMEONE'S shit"
Day 111
April 21st, 2021

"a nice stroll."
Day 112
April 22nd, 2021

"got my first Covid vaccine shot today!"
Day 113
April 23rd, 2021

"just a thought"
Day 115
April 25th, 2021

"don't ask how long it's been since I played Animal Crossing though"
Day 116
April 26th, 2021

"trying to figure out that miqo'te lean"
Day 117
April 27th, 2021

"he likes to be tall (he needs the help)"
Day 118
April 28th, 2021

"wrist hurty :("
Day 119
April 29th, 2021

"I'm really tired and just wanted to shit something out real quick before I go to bed but then I drew an entire-ass scene, but lazily. OK, me, sure."
Day 120
April 30th, 2021

"Tried a new inking brush on this one just to find that I don't care for it, actually. C'est la vie."
Day 121
May 1st, 2021

"spent all day on a different art project and now have no art juice left for G'raha, whoops."
Day 122
May 2nd, 2021

"doin' a sit"
Day 123
May 3rd, 2021

"I've remembered that Mermay exists"
Day 124
May 4th, 2021

"I painted a landscape today but G'raha can take credit for it"
Day 125
May 5th, 2021

"mermay inks"
Day 126
May 6th, 2021

"cat successfully turned into fish"
Day 127
May 7th, 2021

"my static cleared Diamond Weapon for the first time today!"
Day 128
May 8th, 2021

"tfw it sinks in exactly how late you've stayed up hyperfocusing and you realize how little sleep you're about to get"
Day 129
May 9th, 2021

"the sequel to yesterday"
Day 130
May 10th, 2021

"a book"
Day 131
May 11th, 2021

"ate salmon today"
Day 133
May 13th, 2021

"second covid shot, pew pew"
Day 134
May 14th, 2021

"having feelings about Exarch"
Day 135
May 15th, 2021

"male Viera confirmed"
Day 136
May 16th, 2021

"Moogle needs to hand over the goods already"
Day 137
May 17th, 2021

"I was productive this morning and thus left myself no time for G'raha-ing, whoopsie."
Day 138
May 18th, 2021

"I'm tired"
Day 139
May 19th, 2021

"let G'raha play the Stratocaster!"
Day 140
May 20th, 2021

"sometimes coffee isn't a great idea"
Day 141
May 21st, 2021

"Stratocaster inks!"
Day 142
May 22nd, 2021

"I wanted the opposite mood from Y'shtola's ad for the Stratocaster"
Day 143
May 23rd, 2021

"package marked out for delivery"
Day 144
May 24th, 2021

"instead of art brain there is patch day"
Day 145
May 25th, 2021

"one of those "draw G'raha sleeping because I'm about to go pass out myself" days."
Day 146
May 26th, 2021

"that time the Crystal Exarch tried to open a letter with a salmon fillet"
Day 147
May 27th, 2021

"rose flower crown"
Day 148
May 28th, 2021

"G'raha's and Alisaie's friendship is very good."
Day 149
May 29th, 2021

"inking two characters takes more time than one, whodathunkit?"
Day 150
May 30th, 2021

"sometimes you just don't feel like it, y'know?"
Day 151
June 1st, 2021

"waiting for a store to open"
Day 152
June 2nd, 2021

"Used a new inking brush on this one, and I like it, think I'll stick with it. Got just enough tooth in it to make it interesting."
Day 153
June 3rd, 2021

"their friendship is so good."
Day 154
June 4th, 2021

"glad I've reached the end of my work week."
Day 155
June 5th, 2021

"back into the Bozja/Zadnor trenches"
Day 157
June 7th, 2021

"not an art brain day"
Day 158
June 8th, 2021

"it's pretty hot"
Day 159
June 9th, 2021

"what's this?"
Day 160
June 10th, 2021

"my sister had a baby today!"
Day 161
June 11th, 2021

"thinky thoughts"
Day 162
June 12th, 2021

"working hard in preparation for artfight next month"
Day 163
June 13th, 2021

"what if wee but with neck"
Day 164
June 14th, 2021

"it's raining"
Day 165
June 15th, 2021

"too distracted by Nintendo's E3 to focus on G'raha properly"
Day 166
June 16th, 2021

Day 167
June 17th, 2021

Day 168
June 18th, 2021

"extra cute today"
Day 169
June 19th, 2021

"been having a bit of a time of it lately"
Day 170
June 20th, 2021

"my (computer) mouse is giving me difficulties"
Day 171
June 21st, 2021

"never forget G'raha loves you!"
Day 172 and 173
June 22nd and 23rd, 2021

"because I drew a G'raha yesterday and then completely failed to post it."
Day 174
June 24th, 2021

"it's Steam Summer Sale time"
Day 175
June 25th, 2021

Day 176
June 26th, 2021

"This month's Drawfee Patreon drawclass was about drawing expressions so now I am practicing utilizing the advice."
Day 177
June 27th, 2021

Day 178
June 28th, 2021

Day 179
June 29th, 2021

"it's too hot to sleep"
Day 181
July 1st, 2021

"ready for Artfight to start in a few hours!"
Day 182
July 2nd, 2021

"artfight let's gooooo"
Day 183
July 3rd, 2021

"a pleasant stroll"
Day 184
July 4th, 2021

"working on a polished artfight attack"
Day 185
July 5th, 2021

Day 186
July 6th, 2021

"standing pretty"
Day 187
July 7th, 2021

"I got a haircut yesterday"
Day 188
July 8th, 2021

Day 189
July 9th, 2021

Day 190
July 10th, 2021

Day 191
July 11th, 2021

"made a male Viera to smooch that cat"
Day 192
July 12th, 2021

"I just ate some waffles"
Day 193
July 13th, 2021

"I'm sad that the Wind-Up Lyna is attached to buying the next soundtrack album because that is not a purchase I can justify to myself."
Day 194
July 14th, 2021

"looking forward to the Inferno Jacket"
Day 195
July 15th, 2021

Day 196
July 16th, 2021

"I'm setting up a Toyhouse"
Day 197
July 17th, 2021

"just a quick warm-up"
Day 198
July 18th, 2021

"inspiration well is dry today"
Day 199
July 19th, 2021

"admiring Tataru's handiwork"
Day 200
July 20th, 2021

"one of these days I will actually play Okami instead of thinking about how much I should do that"
Day 201
July 21th, 2021

"It is unfortunately a stupid hands day"
Day 202
July 22th, 2021

"welcome to the start of our third hundred! The year's over halfway done!"
Day 203
July 23th, 2021

"I got a Minesweeper app on my phone and now it's all I care about"
Day 204
July 24th, 2021

"something different"
Day 205
July 25th, 2021

"just chilling"
Day 206
July 26th, 2021

"I'm tired"
Day 207
July 27th, 2021

Day 208
July 28th, 2021

"whatcha thinking about?"
Day 209
July 29th, 2021

"bad brain day today"
Day 210
July 30th, 2021

"concerned about how my sleep schedule is drifting"
Day 211
July 31st, 2021

"all inspiration juice is being reserved for the end of artfight"
Day 212
August 1st, 2021

"Artfight has concluded"
Day 213
August 2nd, 2021

"technically I haven't slept since the last one, but that's on me and I'm going to go fix that right now."
Day 215
August 4th, 2021

Day 216
August 5th, 2021

"yes I'm willing to spread a joke out over two days, what of it"
Day 217
August 6th, 2021

Day 218
August 7th, 2021

"a crouch"
Day 220
August 9th, 2021

"just playing around with stuff on this one"
Day 221
August 10th, 2021

Day 222
August 11th, 2021

"sandwiches for Lyna"
Day 223
August 12th, 2021

"I can explain?"
Day 224
August 13th, 2021

"it's Moonfire Faire time!"
Day 225
August 14th, 2021

"exposition time"
Day 226
August 15th, 2021

"this is like my go-to expression"
Day 227
August 16th, 2021

"a true bro"
Day 228
August 17th, 2021

"a chill one today"
Day 229
August 18th, 2021

"it's my birthday!"
Day 230
August 19th, 2021

"doki doki"
Day 231
August 20th, 2021

"over the shoulder"
Day 232
August 21st, 2021

Day 233
August 22nd, 2021

"not happy with this one, but it is what it is"
Day 234
August 23rd, 2021

"expression practice"
Day 235
August 24th, 2021

"he's a cat, so I guess it works...?"
Day 236
August 25th, 2021

"another hot one"
Day 237
August 26th, 2021

Day 238
August 27th, 2021

"this painting is a multi-day project"
Day 239
August 28th, 2021

"something special for the Rising! Happy anniversary, ARR!"
Day 240
August 29th, 2021

"been playing Sky: The Children of Light recently"
Day 241
August 30th, 2021

"a wistful feeling"
Day 242
August 31st, 2021

"Drawfee's latest video reminded me that CSP has 3D models in silly poses"
Day 243
September 1st, 2021

"slip on a banana peel"
Day 244
September 2nd, 2021

"didn't feel like the whole outfit today"
Day 245
September 3rd, 2021

Day 246
September 4th, 2021

"oh no!"
Day 247
September 5th, 2021

"don't talk to me about my sleep schedule"
Day 248
September 6th, 2021

"Hrrggh, definitely dipping into one of those "unhappy with everything I draw" phases"
Day 249
September 7th, 2021

"an ink and color of a previous day's G'raha"
Day 250
September 8th, 2021

"no brain today, call back later"
Day 251
September 9th, 2021

"sometimes you just find a fun reference photo"
Day 252
September 10th, 2021

"I took two naps today and I'm still tired"
Day 253
September 11th, 2021

"step carefully"
Day 254
September 12th, 2021

"just a headshot today"
Day 255
September 13th, 2021

"listened to the Undertale 5th anniversary concert again today. Still fantastic."
Day 256
September 14th, 2021

"spent all day waiting for a phone call that never came"
Day 257
September 15th, 2021

"Crystal Exarch as a Blue Lantern"
Day 258
September 16th, 2021

"I've been playing long enough to have gotten the car the first time around, but don't forget to get yours!"
Day 259
September 17th, 2021

"shaded Blue Lantern Crystal Exarch from a couple of days ago"
Day 260
September 18th, 2021

"spent today finishing Deltarune"
Day 261
September 19th, 2021

"on the run"
Day 262
September 20th, 2021

"a loaf"
Day 263
September 21st, 2021

"Rest In Peace"
Day 264
September 22nd, 2021

Day 265
September 23rd, 2021

"I got blood drawn AND a flu shot today, so. I'm very tired."
Day 266
September 24th, 2021

"I like the scarf on this one"
Day 267
September 25th, 2021

"a late one today"
Day 268
September 26th, 2021

"inked a piece from earlier in the year"
Day 269
September 27th, 2021

"a flower for you"
Day 270
September 28th, 2021

"Clip Studio Paint updated its resolution scaling and it's going to take some adjusting on my end"
Day 271
September 29th, 2021

"It is with a heavy heart that I must admit that while slapping dark blue on a multiply layer might require way less brain power, manually picking the colors for my shading does yield much better results."
Day 272
September 30th, 2021

"today lasted about 300 years"
Day 273
October 1st, 2021

"got the second Shadowbringers art book today!"
Day 274
October 2nd, 2021

"my static finally cleared E10S last night"
Day 275
October 3rd, 2021

"all I wanna do is paint rn"
Day 276
October 4th, 2021

"still in a painting mood, did a study of the Exarch's official art"
Day 277
October 5th, 2021

"eyes hidden"
Day 278
October 6th, 2021

"couldn't decide if I liked it better with or without the orange overlay layer"
Day 279
October 7th, 2021

Day 280
October 8th, 2021

Day 281
October 9th, 2021

Day 282
October 10th, 2021

"trying to retrain myself to draw from the elbow instead of the wrist and fingers and. It's hard."
Day 283
October 11th, 2021

"face study"
Day 284
October 12th, 2021

"didn't like yesterday's so I redid it."
Day 285
October 13th, 2021

Day 286
October 14th, 2021

"almost forgot to upload this one!"
Day 287
October 15th, 2021

"jumping for joy"
Day 288
October 16th, 2021

"a proper background and everything"
Day 289
October 17th, 2021

"hope y'all like expression memes because I'm stretching this one out over 15 days!"
Day 290
October 18th, 2021

"just hilarious"
Day 291
October 19th, 2021

"It's an important question."
Day 292
October 20th, 2021

"I make no apologies for taking the easy way out."
Day 293
October 21st, 2021

"Coincidentally I am also very tired, very method today."
Day 294
October 22nd, 2021

Day 295
October 23rd, 2021

"time to fight Construct 7"
Day 296
October 24th, 2021

"this one is extra stupid"
Day 297
October 25th, 2021

Day 298
October 26th, 2021

"haven't had a stupid hands day in a while, so it was probably due"
Day 299
October 27th, 2021

"back at it"
Day 300
October 28th, 2021

"infodump time"
Day 301
October 29th, 2021

"but maybe he can figure it out"
Day 302
October 30th, 2021

"had a busy day today"
Day 303
October 31st, 2021

"too focused on the expression meme to remember that today's Halloween, oops"
Day 304
November 1st, 2021

"day late, but here's a Halloween scribble"
Day 305
November 2nd, 2021

"a good time"
Day 306
November 3rd, 2021

"this is still describing G'raha's emotion, not Emet-Selch's."
Day 307
November 4th, 2021

"getting back to sketching"
Day 308
November 5th, 2021

"I won't learn how to actually draw the Exarch's staff, you can't make me."
Day 309
November 6th, 2021

"Endwalker delayed..."
Day 310
November 7th, 2021

"working on pushing my values more"
Day 311
November 8th, 2021

"messing with a different pencil brush than my usual"
Day 312
November 9th, 2021

"I haven't drawn early G'raha enough this year, tbh."
Day 313
November 10th, 2021

"...i meant to give him his heterochromia in this one and then just autopiloted two red eyes"
Day 314
November 11th, 2021

"I'm back to work so we're going back to lots of wee G'rahas"
Day 315
November 12th, 2021

"nothing exciting today"
Day 316
November 13th, 2021

"today's art juice was all spent on finishing a different project, so I just messed around real quick for this"
Day 317
November 14th, 2021

"can you spot the point in this drawing where I remembered I should try to be more confident with my lines?"
Day 318
November 15th, 2021

"tried to go for a blue light effect and didn't really nail it, oh well"
Day 319
November 16th, 2021

Day 320
November 17th, 2021

"just messing around on this one"
Day 321
November 18th, 2021

"high school AU"
Day 322
November 19th, 2021

"getting started on a screencap redraw"
Day 323
November 20th, 2021

"more progress on screenshot redrawing!"
Day 324
November 21st, 2021

"getting close to done!"
Day 325
November 24th, 2021

"missed a couple of days due to a death in the family, and now I'm coming down with a cold :("
Day 326
November 25th, 2021

"I have eaten so much pie."
Day 327
November 26th, 2021

"screenshot redraw complete!"
Day 328
November 27th, 2021

"what do you think?"
Day 329
November 28th, 2021

"hate how a drawing looked below the waist? Crop that shit out!"
Day 330
November 29th, 2021

"progressing through shading"
Day 331
November 30th, 2021

"it's Allagan, I ain't gotta explain shit"
Day 332
December 1st, 2021

"I'm gonna do so much gpose with G'raha if/when he follows me around a place"
Day 333
December 2nd, 2021

"time to set sail for Endwalker!"
Day 334
December 28th, 2021

"got the Crystal Exarch figure in the mail today and obviously I had to check under his robe. (He's got black shorts on under there.)"
Day 335
December 29th, 2021

"I promised myself I wouldn't make any Endwalker spoilers Daily G'rahas but I figured "G'raha does something to make Alisaie want to punch him" didn't count as a spoiler because of course he does"
Day 336
December 30th, 2021

"got distracted by other things today, so an easy one."
Day 337
December 31st, 2021

"happy Heavensturn!"
Day 338
January 1st, 2022

"vs. Day 1"
Day 339
January 2nd, 2022

"sometimes you make a reference that's for you and you alone and that's okay"
Day 340
January 3rd, 2022

Day 341
January 4th, 2022

Day 342
January 5th, 2022

"wrist hurts too much for proper art today"
Day 343
January 6th, 2022

"background and flats!"
Day 344
January 7th, 2022

"today was our first proper snow of the winter, which is wild, on account of I live in Massachusetts."
Day 345
January 11th, 2022

"making progress on shading"
Day 346
January 12th, 2022

"perusing a Sharlayan book stall"
Day 347
January 13th, 2022

"no brain today, try again later"
Day 348
January 19th, 2022

Day 349
January 20th, 2022

Day 350
January 23rd, 2022

"hop completed"